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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Little Flight Attendant

                      My cousin, who is taking up aviation, is celebrating his 19th birthday, so I'm dressing up my star as a flight attendant. This flight attendant uniform was a last minute thing since I wasn't sure if I could make it. So, now I know. :)
 I'm glad I tried.               




I'm linking this to:
Extra Room for Happiness because HAPPINESS IS being able to do something you weren't sure you could do.
Create with Joy - Inspire Me Monday because I've learned that sometimes we just have to try. :)
Perfectly Blended because the airplane cake was AWESOME, by the way
Family Ever After, to share my new project :)

1 comment:

  1. awww! what a pretty future stewardess, she is so cute Sis :-) Dropping by from YS



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