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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Oh, write!

It feels like it was only yesterday when my princess started writing her name. She was just 3 then, and I could swear I was so thrilled, I took a photo of it, but can't seem to find it now. 

Anyhoo, over 2 months ago, she tried Gelarti, and was asked to write her name, and I just can't help but feel proud.

She clearly made some progress. 
She can now write her full name. 

Yep, full name. I can explain to why her name is short. LOL.
I have 2 first names, and both my middle name and family name are LOOONG.
So, more or less, I know what it's like to spend most of your exam time writing just your name.
Exaggerated, I know, but I guess you get my point.


  1. Congratulations! Every Mom would be elated even with the smallest progress they see from their children. Regarding names, I sometimes do not understand why some parents give a very long name to their children. I'm glad you didn't do the same to your daughter :)

  2. By the way, would you like us to follow each other?

  3. thanks, sis.
    as I've said, I know what it's like. haha.

    follow? yeah, that would be nice. :)

  4. hahaha... i can relate with the looong name... :-) making my kids' names short too cause my hubby's last name is loooonger than mine... :D

  5. I so understand why you're so proud of your little one being able to write her full name now. That is such an achievement and a milestone :) My nephew is only turning 2 in December and I'm in no rush for him to grow up, but I am also excited at the many things he will learn to do :)



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